Real food (but grace for indulgences)...
Balanced Hormones...
Move your body daily...
Connect with those who bring sunshine to your life... 

Wellness Made Simple.

-Jenny Lee

I always thought I was a "good" eater...

...until a life-altering health diagnosis showed me otherwise!

Growing up as a swimmer and water polo player, I took my health seriously. However, as an "Elder Millennial" who grew up in the 90's, the nutrition and diet zeitgeist of the time was absolutely abhorrent (hello, fat-free craze!) 

Fast forward to 2021 and my year from hell...

I had just opened a shiny new boutique fitness studio. Not even a month into opening our doors, my body TOTALLY betrayed me!

After 8-months of various medical tests and feeling like death was around the corner, I was finally properly diagnosed with Addison's Disease, where my body doesn't produce it's own stress-hormones. It's just about the dumbest auto-immune disorder. And yes, it can be fatal. Outside of the scary consequences, I truly thought to myself, "HOORAY! I can get the proper treatment and medications I need and move on with my life.

WRONG! If only it worked like that...

It was still another 2 years of learning, adapting, sickness, feeling like hot-garbage, etc. before I FINALLY felt like myself again. The biggest lesson: NUTRITION WAS EVERYTHING, and what I learned as someone with an autoimmune disorder was that EVERYONE can benefit from what I learned. I'm here to save you time, agony, EXPENSES and confusion... by sharing what I've learned to help you feel that best you've ever felt and live a truly THRIVING LIFE!

As a former Mental Health Counselor, and current Certified Personal Trainer, and Certified Holistic Health Coach, it’s my mission is to make your health and wellness journey much easier with the proper information and unbeatable support to help you achieve your health and wellness goals that make sense FOR YOU!

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